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Monday, February 20, 2012

How does your garden grow?

I know it's technically still winter....but the garden has started...mostly indoors, but started none the less.
We currently have tomatoes, broccoli, peas, beets, lettuce, beans and cilantro started.  I will get a few of these in the ground in the next week or 2.
I think a couple of post ago, I talked about a pinterest idea of growing potatoes in a barrel....well here is my barrel.  This weekend I put in about 6 inches of peat moss and then 6 inches of dirt and planted potatoes.  As they sprout and grow, I'm supposed to add more dirt...and according to Mother Earth get a boat load of potatoes.  I'll let you know how it goes...I'm hoping we don't have as hot of a summer as last year....

Looks like the strawberries survived the mild winter....last year they did pretty good....the birds got to them before we did...but we did produce some berries.

Now to share what Bill has been up to.  In the downstairs living room is a built in entertainment center that is hideous, and to add insult to injury the white trash that had this house before us....did a crappy job of antique-ing it....then ripped out the TV mounting.  See below
Ugly with a capital UG.  Bill has stripped, sanded and's not done...but looks SOOOOO much better.

I'll share a picture when it;s all done, but I'm pretty excited about how it is looking so now the wheels in my head are turning and thinking about mother in-law's furniture is in this's good quality...but horribly out dated...the floral sofa is a flashback to to 80's.  I had the brilliant idea of slip covers for the wing chairs and sofa much cheaper than replacing....and Bill seems to be OK with it!  Once he finishes the entertainment center, he is going to attack the mantel.  I'll keep you posted on the progress.  Below is a picture of the ugly sofa.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Random Stuff

letter K letter I rubber stamp handle letter m

This site lets you spell a word, then gives you the HTML code to embed.....oh the possibilities!     Spell with flickr

B single letter letter A rubber stamp letter C letter O letter N

Monday, February 6, 2012

The closet is done...mostly



The closet is mostly done, I probably need do do 2 more boxes ....I found one when I was doing a little bit of organizing in my closet. So, I need one more and I ran out of modge podge.  But I have to say, I'm really pleased with the results.

My last blog post was the directions on covering shoe boxes with wrapping paper if you are inspired to try this at home.

Time to move on to my next project.  I'm not really sure what that should be...keeping my closet and clothes organized seems to be an ongoing I'll just work on that as I go.  I did try an idea from pinterest for my t-shirt drawer...I don't think I saved any space...but the fact that you can see them all is a good thing.

This blog also has other great ideas for closets....I need to re-read for more ideas.
My craft/sewing room is also a disaster...really too much to take on at I try to do just one little organizing project in there every weekend in the hopes that by the end of the year I will be good.  I cleaned and and organized the party supplies and and gift bags this past weekend....and looked around trying to decide what to tackle next...I decided finishing a few half finished sewing projects would be good.  Below you can see what kind of mess I'm dealing with...really it's a miracle I get anything done in here!
Last but not least....the garden plans have started,  I found this site where you create a login, it's free.  You put in your zipcode and select the vegetables you would like to grow and it tells you when to start indoors and plant outside. 

We went to the garden store and bought some seeds so this week I'm starting my spring veggies indoors.  Last year our garden didn't do that was just too dang hot.  I'm hoping for a better year this year with better timing.

Another idea I got from pinterest was to grow potatoes in a we also got a big wiskey barrel (half barrel really) plus some peat moss and potatoes....I'm excited about this project.

That's all for now.  Need to get to work so I can pay for all my projects.
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